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Letter from the Town Conservation Board

Letter of Support from the Pound Ridge Conservation Board, 2.8.2022

TO: Kevin Hansan, Supervisor
  Town Board Members

FROM: Ellen Grogan, Conservation Board Chair

RE: The Case for Restricting Internal Combustion Blowers

DATE: February 8, 2022

I am writing for the Conservation Board in support of restricting the use of internal combustion leaf blowers.

The Conservation Board acknowledges that folding the issue into the noise ordinance is a practical approach. But we would urge you to take into account the very real environmental concerns that gas-powered equipment poses.

In 2019, New York State announced its climate goals of limiting statewide greenhouse gas emissions to 40% of 1990 levels by 2030, and 85% by 2050. Moving away from gas-powered maintenance equipment is one important way to support these aggressive targets. It is an increasingly feasible option as the performance of electric-powered equipment continues to improve.

The Conservation Board would also like the Town Board to consider that the use of all leaf blowers on area other than impervious surfaces poses a threat to important foraging, nesting and breeding grounds for insects, amphibians and birds. It is particularly harmful during the growing season. This threat to environmental biodiversity gets less attention than the other issues, but it is not less important.

We urge the Town Board to adopt the issue you are considering.

Ellen Grogan
for the Conservation Board

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